Theme parks, mixed media art and regular creativity

So, maybe you are questioning why I have theme parks as the start of this blog title? After all, what connects theme parks, mixed media art and regular creativity?

In essence, what connects these topics is our mindset in how we approach them.

Regular creativity with online art classes

July saw the start of Make Create Express, a fantastic Mixed Media Art adventure that runs for 12 months.

In this wonderful course, I will be one of 24 artists sharing our tips, techniques and passion for Mixed Media Art as we inspire you to create on a regular basis.

After sending this out to my newsletter subscribers I had a few emails come in to say that people really liked the idea of this but were worried about “falling behind” or “not completing everything”.

I also get these messages whenever people are thinking about joining Café Flow, my art club membership, and they are unsure whether they will have the time to get all the projects done.

To me, pressure to complete everything (even those things we don’t enjoy), hinders our creativity and prevents us from taking the leap. So, if you are thinking about an online art class that encourages regular creativity through multiple lessons or projects, I would urge you to approach it in the same way as you approach going to a theme park (or the gym).

Your theme park plan

I LOVE visiting a theme park and, for me, it is all about the roller coasters! But, let’s be honest. It is a very rare that a person will go to a theme park and go on every single ride on offer. Afterall, there is a lot of diversity in the type of rides, and it is VERY unlikely that every single ride will appeal to you.

Instead, you will look at what rides really excite you, the ones that make you smile. You then plan your day around that. You may go for something that steps you out of your comfort zone just to try it. You may revisit the rides that you really enjoy. This way you come away having really enjoyed your day and there is no remorse about missing out on the rides you didn’t go on.

It is the same with a gym membership. Some people love the free weights and body toning classes, others spend hours on the treadmill or in a spin class. To get the most out of it, you need to focus on what you enjoy or what is going to improve your fitness, too much pressure to do it all and you will stop going.  

Mixed Media Art and Mindset

Our mindset is what holds us back the most. We have that yearning to be creative, to tap into that energy and let our feelings flow through the paintbrush, but instead of focusing on everything within that course or membership that will ignite that spark, we focus on what we will not be able to do.

When it is written like this it feels a little crazy doesn’t it?

I know, I have been there myself. Letting what I can’t do, hold me back from what I can do – and what I love to do.

If you see a course that excites you and you feel those negative thoughts creeping in, take a breath. Stop for a moment and evaluate what you can get out of it.

Café Flow – the Art Club

If you are looking for regular monthly inspiration and creative projects, take a look at Café Flow – the Art Club.

Included in your monthly membership you will get a new Mixed Media Art project every month (and access to the back catalogue of over 24 projects) along with access to the incredible resource library where I share my tips, trick and inspiration, and a monthly Live Q&A in our exclusive, members only, Facebook Group.

There is no tie in period, and you can cancel at any time.






Enjoy painting and explore different styles throughout 2025


Sustainability and creativity