Nourish your creative soul!
Are you yearning to reconnect, find joy and express yourself? Join me in Café Flow - The Art Club, and let’s hang out together to create art. I’ll be your creative guide and inspirer and I will give you tools and the courage to add that creative spice in your daily life, step-by-step.
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What’s included in the Café Flow membership?
A hub where you’ll find all the monthly projects (more than 30 projects already there), sessions and resources you’ll need to kickstart and keep your creative practice going.
Instant access to the FULL back catalogue of 30+ monthly projects
New projects and tips & tricks added every month.
Live Q&A sessions, demos or co-create sessions to connect and build confidence. These sessions will be recorded and can be watched at any time to suit your schedule, no matter where you are in the world.
A Mixed Media Resource Library with 50+ videos of inspiration and information about Jenny's favourite Mixed Media Art Supplies, Processes and Techniques.
A private Facebook community of passionate and wildly helpful art lovers to cheer you on and lift you up.
Full access to all the material as long as you are a member.
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Café Flow
You will get access to the Café Hub where all the content is stored. You will have access as long as you are a member. Each month there will be new content, lessons, inspiration and sessions added. You will have access to all the content from the day you sign up until you end your membership.
How does the Art Club work?
New art project every month
Together, we’ll work through a full project start to finish, step-by-step. You’ll learn how to:
Uncover the magic - your uniqueness (as this has done for me)
Create something meaningful to you (and do it again and again)
Immerse yourself in the making, by letting it evolve over time (without the pressure of getting it right first go)
It’s time to build up your creative muscles on a regular basis. Are you ready?
Live Q&A Sessions, demos, prompts and ideas
Get inspiration to pick up your paints and just do. See how I get into the flow, experiment and try new things without letting fear hold me back – so you can do it too.
A Resource Library with 50+ Art Supplies and process demos
To create a piece of mixed media art that is a true expression of you, you don’t need to go out and spend hundreds on art supplies.
I’ll show you how to create depth and detail with just a few things. And for those curious-creators, we’ll explore a range of my go-to art supplies and alternatives, so when you’re ready you can grow and play.
“Before I took Jenny’s classes, I rarely got excited by what I was creating. Now I’m able to find that flow state where I’m happier, less frustrated and excited by what I’m making.”
– Jennifer P
Banish your blocks and fears and awaken your creative spirit.
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Give yourslef time to be creative
Join Café Flow - the art club!
US$ 27 /month
Get 1 week FREE
You will have instant access to more than 30 art projects and 50+ videos in the Resource Library.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.

“I know how to just go with the flow, rather than worrying about what I’m going to do next...”
“Finding time to be creative was a big chunk of my life that I know now was missing...”
“Jenny is an expert at gathering us to the next step before we’re stopped by our inner critic…"
"Because of Jenny’s open and honest way of teaching I felt safe...”
Frequently Asked Questions
What art supplies do I need to be able to create with the club?
You’ll get a full list of materials and supplies within every lesson and project, but you don’t need much to get started.
I believe in reusing and recycling materials and I will show you how to do the same. I’m sure you already have a lot of it at home. Some of the most common things I use are:
- A couple of pieces of paper, such as mixed media paper
- Pieces of scrap paper from old books
- Old craft supplies (stencils, cardboard, string, scrap booking paper, etc)
- Acrylic paints, inks and matt medium
- Different brushes, sponges, a pallet knife or even a credit card will do
- Pencils, pens, scissors, glue, rags
You can start with what you have, and build on it as you learn and experiment.
When will I have access to the lessons?
The Hub and the Classroom are open at all times. New lessons are released each month. The live sessions are held monthly in the Facebook Group.
I am in a different time zone. Will I be able to participate?
The live sessions will be held at different times to suit several different time zones. There will be sessions for Americas, South Pacific and European time zones. All live sessions are recorded and can be replayed at any time.
I don't have FB, so am I still able to be a member?
Absolutely. All the lessons, sessions and resources will be in the portal and the classroom. The live sessions (that are held in the Facebook group) are recorded and will be available in the classroom within 48 hours after the end of the session.
How long do I have access to the course material?
You have access to all the content as long as you are a member.
What if I want to cancel the membership?
If you decide that Café Flow Art Club is not right for you, you can cancel your subscription at any time and you won’t be billed for the following month. We do not offer refunds.
Please note that unless canceled, subscriptions will renew at the same fee as you signed up each month.
How will the monthly fee work when I am paying with another currency?
The fee is in US$. The fee will be converted to your currency each billing day. The fee in your currency can therefore fluctuate somewhat due to exchange rates.
What if I have a technical problem with the course and can’t access the videos?
There are a few ways to contact me if you’re experiencing problems.
- Inside the course, click the ‘Discussion’ button in the top right, to ask a question at any time.
- Email me at **teamflow@flowbyjenny.com** and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
What are the technical requirements?
The recommended system requirements are:
- The most recent version of any of the following web browsers: Desktop: Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge Mobile: iOS Safari: 11 and up, Chrome or Samsung Internet
- Javascript enabled
- PDF plugin
- Graphic and audio output capability
- Broadband internet connection with a minimum speed of 5Mbps (recommended)
- TLS 1.2 supported by your web browser
What Members think about Café Flow…
“In my mind, Cafe Flow is like one is sitting with a cup of coffee and chatting with like mind artists. We will chat about our struggles and desires as we grow in our art and find our own style. We will learn from each other. I am always looking for new ways of doing, new techniques and new ideas.”
— Debra
“I absolutely love Jenny's style and relaxed way of teaching. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I can take Jenny's lessons and just run with them. They help me find me in my art. Cafe Flow seemed like the best way to get a continuous stream of lessons and be part of a wonderful community.”
— Jennifer
“I really liked your work and your teaching style. Both resonated with me. I am a beginner to all things artistic, and the Resource page is so incredibly helpful. I like the consistency of being able to find what I want without having to sift through YouTube.”
— Linda