Past exhibitions


Galleri Diva, Stockholm

Danderyds Konsthall, Danderyd

Galleri Roddarhuset, Vaxholm

Galleri Gustafsson, Trollhättan

Zeitgiest, Uppsala

Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping

Hägernässtrands Galleri, Täby


Överbysalongen, Sollentuna (Jury)

Danderyds Konstrunda, Danderyd

Gysinge Herrgård, Gysinge

Galleri Roddarhuset, Vaxholm

Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping

Hägernässtrands Galleri, Täby


Atejé Flow, Danderyd

Överbysalongen, Sollentuna (Jury)

Galleri Roddarhuset, Vaxholm (Solo)

Art Show, Galleri Zeitgeist, Uppsala

Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping

By Carima, Täby

Hägernässtrands Galleri, Täby


Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping

Carlstad Art Gallery, Karlstad (Solo)

Danderyds Konstrunda, Danderyd

Ateljé Flow, Danderyd

Galleri Roddarhuset, Vaxholm


Hägernässtrands Galleri, Stockholm

Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping

Ateljé Flow, Danderyd

Klimatsalongen, Nyköping

Galleri Roddarhuset, Vaxholm

Galleri Riddaren, Stockholm (Solo)

Sigtuna Kulturgård, Sigtuna

Kontrast Ink Gallery, Stockholm


Kontrast Ink Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Hägernässtrands Galleri, Täby, Sweden

Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping, Sweden

Affordable Art Fair Stockholm, Sweden

Galleri Bellman, Stockholm, Sweden

Danderyds Konstrunda, Danderyd, Sweden

Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping, Sweden

FoKo Art to Go, Stockholm, Sweden

Open Studio, Ateljé Flow, Stockholm, Sweden (Solo)

Gallery Wallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Scandic Park, Stockholm, Sweden (Solo)


Affordable Art Fair, Nordic Art Wall, Stockholm, Sweden

Hägernäs Strands Galleri, Täby, Stockholm

The Nut House, Stockholm, Sweden (Solo)

Open Studio, Ateljé Flow, Stockholm, Sweden

FoKo Art to Go, Sickla, Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholms Konstsalong, Stockholm, Sweden


Galleri Magno Art, Stockholm, Sweden (solo)

Hägernässtrands Galleri, Sweden

Danderyds Konstrunda, Danderyd, Sweden

Enköpings Konsthall, Enköping, Sweden

Ulfsunda Slott, Stockholm, Sweden (Solo)

Stockholms Konstsalong, Stockholm, Sweden


Väsby Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden (Jury)

FoKo Art to Go, Stockholm, Sweden

Överby Gård, Stockholm, Sweden (Jury)

Kontoret Nybroviken, Stockholm, Sweden

Edsviks Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden (Jury)

Stockholms Konstsalong, Nacka, Stockholm, Sweden


Hägernäs Strands Galleri, Stockholm, Sweden (Solo)

Danderyds Konstrunda, Danderyd, Sweden

Gamla Kraftstationen, Deje, Sweden

Danderyds Vårsalong, Danderyd, Sweden

Hässelöhuset, Västerås, Sweden


Stockholm Art Fair 2014, Stockholm, Sweden

Galleri Bladverket, Hässelby, Sweden (Solo)

EkoButiken, Stockholm, Sweden (Solo)

SeeMe Takeover, Times Square, New York, US (digital)

Art Expo, Älvkarleö Herrgård, Sweden


Delissi, Mount Maunganui, Nya Zeeland (Solo)

Gallery59, Tauranga, Nya Zeeland (Jury)

The Incubator Gallery, Tauranga, Nya Zeeland

Creatives Rising, Team See, New York, USA (digital)

Art Trail, Morrinsville, Nya Zeeland

Lightwave Gallery, Tauranga, Nya Zeeland

The Story of the Creative, Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York, USA (digital)

The Refinary Gallery, Paeroa, Nya Zeeland

Artists Den and Art Gallery, Auckland, Nya Zeeland


Lightwave Gallery, Mount Maunganui, Nya Zeeland (Solo)

Artist Den And Art Gallery, Auckland, Nya Zeeland

A Square Foot, Creative Tauranga, Tauranga, Nya Zeeland

Artist Den and Art Gallery, Auckland, Nya Zeeland


Ca’put, Stockholm, Sverige